Landscape Elegance: Garden Water fountains

Having a pond near your garden water fountain is no longer required because they can now be situated on a wall close by. Due to the various options available, it no longer necessary to deal with excavations, complcated installations or cleaning the pond. There is no plumbing necessary with this type self-contained water feature. However, water has

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Close-to-Home Weekend Getaways

After a long week, sometimes a quick getaway can replenish your batteries and renew your energy. Although finding the right place for such a short trip is not always easy. The following is a list of some great spots for a weekend trip you will love. New York City Depending on where you reside, The Big Apple can be reached quite easily by flying, dr

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River Cruises: Destinations

The only thing more breathtaking than walking aboard one of these vessels is stepping off. For any river cruise around Europe there is a unique set of things to enjoy and see. To see Europe by sailing its great rivers is to open up new realms for yourself. History aficionados, adventure-seekers, and people just trying to learn about different cultu

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Modern Water Fountains And Obesity

Berkley, CA residents voted for a sugar-sweetened beverages tax in February 2014, the first of its kind in the United States. By taxing sugary drinks, the city hopes to inspire more people to decide on healthier options, such as water. The aim of the research was to evaluate the state of community drinking water fountains and figure out if there is

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Wells and Fountains in Early China

In the later part of the 19th century houses in China’s principal metropolitan areas began getting their water from indoor plumbing. To fulfill their daily water requirements, the Chinese turn to two principle sources, water wells and streams. Even nowadays water wells perform an essential part in China’s water sup

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